Nativity Has Purchased a Gift for You! Register to enjoy a FREE subscription to FORMED—an incredible online gateway to thousands of the best Catholic content in English and Spanish, all in one place! Sign up at
In March 18, 2020 there are 433 Nativity parishioners using the content on their iPhones, ROKU players, Android SmartPhones and SmartTVs, laptops and tablets. Share with family and friends to help us grow this ministry.
Nativity ha comprado un regalo para ti! Por favor, acepta un regalo de nuestra parroquia para tu hogar, la subscripción a una nueva e increíble plataforma en línea...
There are videos to help you setup the app on your phones, TVs and other devices, and even download content to your phone to view later without an internet connection! Go to
Create your new FREE FORMED account in just 3 steps
STEP 1. Scan QR code or Open a browser and go to You will see the following screen.
STEP 2. In the Find your Parish window type in Nativity Torrance and you will see our parish appear in the drop down list with the address 1447 Engracia Ave. Click on the name, hit Next and enter name and email. You can also download the FORMED app.
STEP 3. Enter your Name and Email and hit Sign Up. You will receive an email with a link to start viewing the content.
Amen is the free Catholic app that brings you beautiful prayers, faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture to draw your mind, body and soul to rest in God.
Why Amen? Christian meditation, led by the Spirit, leads us to this dialogue with Jesus. There is no page of the Gospel in which there is no place for us. For us Christians, meditating is a way to encounter Jesus. —Pope Francis, General Audience, April 28, 2021
Sign up today for your free Amen account and download the app
Learn how to use the Amen App in this 5-minute video